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Beit Rayim Synagogue members paying full synagogue fees (not introductory), are entitled to receive a $100 discount PER CHILD for children in Grades K-6. 

These discounts are applied against your 2024/2025 Beit Rayim Synagogue membership payments.

  • For families with more than two children: $50 deduction for the third child and each additional child (deductions will be applied against your final payment)
  • For Beit Rayim Synagogue Members: your discount will be applied to your synagogue full membership payments
  • All cheques should be made payable to “Beit Rayim Synagogue
  • Hebrew School Fees and Membership Dues may NOT be combined in same cheques or CREDIT CARD payment(s)
  • NSF payments, CREDIT CARD rejection and/or incorrect card data are subject to $15.00 handling fee
  • If paying by CREDIT CARD, please complete the Credit Card Payment Authorization form
  • Charitable tax receipts will be issued for full amount of tuition fees paid in the given calendar year  
  • Financial Policies:  
  • The deposit amount listed above is required at the time of registration. The deposit is non-refundable and will be deducted from the annual tuition fee.  A minimum of 30 days written notice must be provided to withdraw from Beit Rayim Hebrew School. Subject to the notice provision: if the effective date of withdrawal is: (i) prior to the first day of school, all payments received less the deposit will be reimbursed; (ii) between the first day of school and December 1 2024, a prorated amount calculated on the number of school days in the school year less the deposit will be reimbursed; (iii) after December 1st, 2024 no refund is available; (iv) If school is disrupted for any reason beyond Beit Rayim's control (eg., weather, labour dispute, etc.) there will be no adjustment to the tuition or school schedule.

A Message from Beit Rayim's President

Dear Hebrew School Parents, 

As we navigate the journey of nurturing our children’s spiritual and cultural development, I wish to highlight the importance of belonging to our synagogue community. Our Hebrew school serves as a gateway to our rich heritage, but it is within the embrace of a synagogue community that our children truly thrive. 

The name of our community is Beit Rayim Synagogue & Hebrew School. Over the years the synagogue and school have drifted in separate directions. One of my main goals during my term as president is to establish a sense of one community for both synagogue and school. It has never been more important than now for all of us to be united. To that end, this year all Hebrew school families will become members of Beit Rayim synagogue. 

We appreciate your donation towards membership. No one will be denied membership. Registration for both school and synagogue is open.

With Warm regards, 

Irv Siegel

Tue, 25 March 2025 25 Adar 5785