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New Membership

Come together… right now… over ISRAEL!

This past year has been especially challenging for the entire Jewish community.  It is at this precise time Beit Rayim members must come together to show our support and pride for Israel. 

Beit Rayim is committed to focus on the well-being of its members and community.  We will achieve this by nurturing relationships and lifelong friendships, lowering the barriers for entry, raising the bar for participation and strengthening ties with our community partners. We will be active and visible giving back to our community with acts of kindness. 

Our Yedidim (=friendship) Engagement Team (aka YET) is actively contacting our members to start the process of relationship building.  Please accept their invitation to meet.  We want to get to know you and your interests.  Your YET member then becomes a point of contact for you throughout your membership with Beit Rayim.

Our Chesed Team members concentrate their efforts to support our members and helping others less fortunate in the greater community.

We are very proud of our teachers at Beit Rayim Hebrew School.  They have a depth of knowledge in teaching and make learning fun.  We are open for registration for kindergarten to grade 6.

We now have a weekly Shabbat Youth Program for your children. The program is fun, creative and entertaining, while educating on Jewish traditions and holidays.

The ShinShinim will be back in September!  We are fortunate to have secured two enthusiastic teenagers from Israel who will be actively involved in our youth programming and school.  The ShinShinim will be starting a new program geared for teenagers.

Beit Rayim’s Israel & Jewish Advocacy Team has been active in countering ant-Israel and antisemitism.

We have an array of programs and events throughout the year that may interest you.  You will start receiving our weekly Shabbat emails, which detail all these events.

There are so many Beit Rayim members who volunteer for the benefit of our community. 
Every member is encouraged to take a role in Beit Rayim’s unfolding success story.  Please consider volunteering your time to your community… whether it’s one hour a week or one hour a month.  Your help is appreciated!

Let's create a synagogue where every individual, regardless of background or identity, feels not just welcomed, but truly valued and embraced as an integral part of our community. 
Thank you for your interest in renewing your membership, becoming a new member or enrolling your child in our Hebrew School.

I look forward to meeting you soon.
Please contact me if you have any questions about membership, school enrolment or our community.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Irv Siegel

PS – Our new social media manager is actively posting on Instagram and Facebook.  Start following us!! 




              NEW MEMBERSHIP FORM 

Introductory Rates
Family: $1,585 ($630 discount)
Senior Family (65 and over): $1,360 ($635 discount)
Single: $885 ($370 discount)
Single Senior: $760 ($375 discount)

* To be eligible for Introductory Membership Fees the applicant cannot have been a member of Beit Rayim in the past. Introductory Membership Fees are effective year one and year two only. 

Have you ever been a member of Beit Rayim Synagogue?


If Jewish by conversion:


If jewish by conversion please provide details/certificate


If you have children, please press the {+} button in order to enter their information. 



The congregation will send a Yahrzeit reminder to you for all the individuals indicated below. May the memory of your loved ones always be a source of blessing and inspiration 


Please press the {+} button to begin adding Yahrzeits


Please press the {+} button to begin adding Yahrzeits

By typing in your name below you certify that you have read and understood the membership terms, and that all of the above information is correct.

There will be occasions where representatives of Beit Rayim will take images of you and your family members. Some of these images may be used for our social media platforms, website, and other publications.

I grant permission to Beit Rayim Synagogue & School to use images of myself (and my immediately family members who are also members of Beit Rayim) in their social media publications and promotional materials.

Check box below to opt out of having your image used:


Tue, 25 March 2025 25 Adar 5785